Next Level Ministries is a Bible based ministry that loves praising God. We welcome you to come praise God and study his word with us in the name of Jesus. As we continually strive to build Gods church; We would like to work with individuals of this area, in creating programs and events that would bless you, your family and our community.
We affirm our faith in the Bible.
We believe the Bible to be the inspired and only infallible written word of God.
We affirm our faith in God.
We believe that there is one God, eternally existent in three persons; God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.
We affirm our faith in the blessed Hope.
We believe in the Blessed Hope, which is the rapture of the church of God, which is in Christ at his return.
We affirm faith in Repentance and Salvation.
We believe that the only means of being cleaned from sin is through repentance, faith in the precious Blood of Jesus Christ. We believe that regeneration by the Holy Ghost is absolutely essential for personal salvation.
Sunday School (Adult & Children).......9:00a.m.-10:00a.m.
Worship Service (Sunday)..................10:00a.m.- 12:30p.m.
Children Church (Sundays).................10:00a.m.- 12:30p.m.
Wednesday Service............................6:00p.m.-7:30p.m.
Bible Study (Thursday’s)......................6:00p.m.- 7:30p.m.
Church Meeting..................Every 1st Sat.@10:00a.m.- 11:00a.m.
Women's Meeting ..............Every 1st Sat.@11:30a.m.- 1:00p.m.
Men’s Meeting ...................Every 1st Sat.@11:30a.m.- 1:00p.m.